Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Navroz Mubarak- Happy New Year to all!

Yesterday was 21st of March, a very special day in my life and perhaps in life of many others, specially Parsi people. Let me tell you more about this day and why this is a special day for me.
Scientifically, there are two days in a calender year which are unique. As we all know that we have shorter days in the winter while longer days in summer. So, there is rarely any day where the length of day and night is equal. And those who have studies their school well must know that there are two days, in one calender year that have the same length of day and night. One of them is 21st of March (other is perhaps 21st of July, correct me if I am wrong). Well I don't know much of the reasons behind the equal lengths, yet this thing makes the day special!
Second thing, Parsi community celebrates this as their new year. And so do I. Well, I am not a Parsi but my community has a history connected to Iran. Iran is the state where Parsi people initially lived. From there they moved to India. So as a gratitude to this great community, we also celebrate this day as New Year. We wish Navroz Mubarak (Happy New Year) to each other on this day. It is happy time!
The third reason, that makes this day a very special day to me, is very personal. There is a very very very... infinitely very special thing that had happened to me on this very day. And of courser I am as much thankful to God as much as the special that thing is. It seems as if it is a matter of yesterday only but when I look back, I see a long time has passed since that day. Yet, I continue to cherish the memory of that day... I hope to continue to cherish it forever. What that memory is and when did that happen, I can't tell in open space. This day has changed my life in better way. I thank God for it.

(Name-less section)
Continuous and Continual.
Many of us must have heard continuous but not continual. Continuous is something that happens without any break. While a continual thing is happening with breaks. A simple example is a cricket match telecast which is not continuous but continual. The telecast is continuous as it doesn't stop for 24 hours, but telecast of cricket is continual as it takes breaks. I hope you have got it....

Monday, March 15, 2010

Julie and Julia

A few days back I watched a film called "Julie and Julia". Not many in India would be knowing about this particular film as it was a chick flick. The film is based on a novel with the same name, referring to a famous Julia Child (played by Maryl Streep), who taught French cooking to Americans. Well, for this blog and for the time being, neither she nor the film is important. Why I am talking about the film is the concept that Julie (author of the book) introduced. She is a good cook. She gets a little bored of her life and wants to do something that is new. So, she takes up a challenge. She starts a blog for one year and every day she cooks something from Julia Child's book. In 365 days, she cooks more than 400 items along with many ups and downs in her life.
Well, I am also taking an inspiration from it and deciding to do something that can take me away from routine works. I wish to do something but unfortunately I am not getting anything. Something that can keep both you and me interested in the blog.
Firstly, I asked myself, what I am good at. Just the way Mad-eye Moody asks Harry Potter in The Goblet of Fire. What is my strength? The answer was to end the blog with an English lesson. Don't be scared, dear. I am not going to give heavy doses of English language. I am not that good at English. But then, I like the idea. So, now on, apart from my usual boring stuffs, you will find some English lesson as well. I want to name this section where I can give hits about good English. Can someone suggest me a name for it?

(Name-less Section):
Today's English lesson is a sentence which I have used in this blog: "Well, for this blog and for the time being, neither she nor the film is important."  Use of neither-nor and either-or is known to most. But here I am pointing out the 'is' that is used. The 'is' is used her for the film. Because the film is only one, I have used 'is', singular. If the sentence would be like this :Neither she nor the films... then I would have used are important. In another case, Neither films nor she is important. It depends on the subject that is close to the verb. If the subject closer to the verb is singular, use singular verb else plural. I hope you got it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The greatest gift

A warm hello to all the readers!
Since mother earth became inhabitable, she has seen countless creatures walking the soft ground and swimming the depth of the seas. Many creations have lost their way in due course of time. So many creations of God do no longer exist. But look at Mankind. Human beings had tough competitors, many races for survival against the most ferocious animals and unusually kind and strangely precarious nature. Mankind lived to tell the tale because it fought; it fought all that questioned the very existence of mankind.
Why was the mankind able to do that no one else could? What is so unique about mankind? What is so special about us? What makes you and me different from other species that breathe their last long ago?
God has given us a gift that makes us better than any other creation of God. A gift of which one can only wish but never get, a gift that one has but never values. The gift of intellect.
We have a great ability to think, to feel and to communicate. There are many things we can do with intellect. I bow down to God and thank her for giving me the best gift ever.

Thank you God, you are just great!!!