Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love stories.... Introduction

Hello everyone,

I had been busy recently and I did not have any topic in my mind to write about. So I stayed away from making my readers bore. But now, finally, I have something to write.

Recently I came across a broken heart. A friend of mine had breakup with his love. From that friend, I got an idea to write about love stories. I have the privilege of knowing some of the people who are live examples of true love. I have been observing them closely for some time (as long as fifteen years in one case). And I am in a position to comment on their love stories. I will of course, disguise their names, so as to prevent them from excess praise.

I have planned to share five stories; four of them are successful and inspirational. One, the last that I will share is about this friend, whose love-lost clicked the idea of this blog.

I hope that people will learn lessons from success of these great Super Heroes (and Heroines)! So keep watching this space for real life love stories!