Sunday, January 24, 2010

Republic Day, time for introspection....

Tuesday, 26th January, 2010 is the 60th Republic Day of India. Congratulations to all of us Indians, may God bless us!

Our country is maturing now, and we as citizens of India have huge responsibility to make India a recognizable country of the world. It is in the news papers today that by 2012, i.e. two years from now, India will be the third largest economy of world, in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). I hope people do understand what is PPP because I did not understand it at first go. By 2020, India's GDP growth rate would be more than that of China. These are indeed very impressive and encouraging findings for us. We, as a country, deserve to have handsome GDP as we have a very large population to feed. As one finding also says that by 2020 (sooner or later) we will overtake China in population as well.

Republic Day means the day on which rights and responsibilities of people defined and given. We have been enjoying these rights on paper for last sixty years. Off the paper, well I doubt. What about the responsibilities? Not much. Yes, we do fulfil those responsibilities that give us pleasure. What about other responsibilities? Who cares!

It is time to look into ourselves, and find how can I make my country better place to live. I hope we will get time for the introspection and more importantly, to implement the finding, if at all we find anything.

May God bless us!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers, Happy Republic day...

    Rightly said a time to introspect ourselves..

    Time to get up and fight against terrorism, dowry, female foeticide, eve teasing, theft, and all crimes..

    Regarding growth and success that we will definitely achieve, is what i believe...
    Thanks to the ever expanding growth in entrepreneurship's, INDIA is booming.. Jobs are back and people are settling their life..

    Good work..
